School of Computer Science Application to Transfer, or Pursue a Dual Degree


  • Fill out the form below. Fields with a red asterisk are required.
  • Upload an essay that explains why you want to transfer or pursue the dual degree, indicating your interest in and experience with the specific major discipline. Suggested essay length for all majors is one to two pages.
  • Prepare a sample academic audit in Stellic for the major you're applying for. Give Mary Widom ( permission to view that audit.
  • Submit the completed form by Friday after mid-term grades are due in the Fall or Spring semester you wish to apply.  For the summer, submit the completed form by the last Friday of the Summer All session.


We recommend that you meet with the person for each program indicated below at least once to discuss your interest, review the requirements for transfer or dual degree and ask any questions you may have. Email or visit the person’s webpage to set up an appointment.